Our Philosophy

Rockmoor Wealth Management was established to protect our clients’ assets while creating growth and long-term prosperity through our high-quality wealth management and planning services.

Our primary objective is investment in high quality, high return assets in partnership with our clients, with a focus on asset class diversification in order to spread their exposure. Our unrivaled access to assets and managers, that are not widely available, allow us to offer superior terms and increased market responsiveness for the benefit of our clients.

These partnerships attain our goal of an Investor First model for our clientele while diversifying them beyond just a Stock and Bond portfolio.

Our wealth management service strikes the perfect balance between a focus on stable returns and liquid cash flow for new assets.  This helps to reduce the risk of exposure to market forces and creates and maintains profitable gains for our clients.

At Rockmoor Wealth Management, we work with our clients in identifying financial services options which are based on each individual’s specific needs. When it comes to investment and portfolio management solutions, we have established referral arrangements with the investment firms below, whereby we introduce our clients to the benefits of having a full discretionary managed account.

KAI Asset Management Inc.: For more information about KAI Asset Management Inc., please contact us or visit their website at kaiasset.com 1

BCV Asset Management Inc.: For more information about BCV Asset Management Inc., please contact us or visit their website at bcvassetmanagement.com2 

DeLuca Veale Investment Counsel Inc.: For more information about DeLuca Veale Investment Counsel Inc., please contact us or visit their website at delucaveale.com3

1KAI Asset Management Inc. is a Portfolio Manager and Exempt Market Dealer registered in the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario. The firm is also registered as an Investment Fund Manager (IFM) in the provinces of Manitoba and Ontario. This communication is directed only to persons resident in those jurisdictions.

2BCV Asset Management Inc. is registered as a Portfolio Manager in the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan; as an Investment Fund Manager in Manitoba, Newfoundland & Labrador, Ontario, and Quebec; and as an Exempt Market Dealer in Manitoba, Newfoundland & Labrador, and Ontario. This communication is directed only to persons resident in those jurisdictions.

 3DeLuca Veale Investment Counsel Inc. is registered as a Portfolio Manager and Exempt Market Dealer in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta and OntarioThis communication is directed only to persons resident in those jurisdictions.


A minimum of $250,000 of total investable assets or current investment accounts are required. Your Financial Planner will work with you in conjunction with our Portfolio Managers, who you have engaged for discretionary management services. This will provide a more holistic, personalized, and tailored approach to your overall financial management needs.


Investment accounts with a Portfolio Manager are held by a separate third party custodian. Custodians that are registered as Investment Dealers are covered by the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF). This covers customers of members for the failure to return securities and cash balances held in the account by a member for a customer (due to fraud or insolvency). The coverage is $1 million for each account entity.


Portfolio managers charge a percentage of the investments they manage. This fee is transparent and, unlike products offered in the mass retail market, not embedded in the cost of securities sold to you.


Portfolio managers provide ongoing management of your investments based on your objectives and risk tolerance as outlined in your Investment Policy Statement.


Your Portfolio Manager is accountable to work in your best interest to make personalized and discretionary investment decisions.

Take the Next Step

Our team has acquired decades of experience specializing in providing quality financial advice in areas of financial planning, investments and insurance. Book a meeting with us to learn how we can help you with your finances.

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