Corporate Investments

Our investment advisors’ primary objective is to ensure that you have corporate investments which are of high quality and provide a high degree of diversification in order to spread your exposure. Our unique access to portfolio managers that are not widely available allows us to offer superior terms for the benefit of our clients.

Taking steps to think about your future income needs in retirement can be more complicated for business owners due to the multiple different areas that they need to consider, and our investment advisors can help with your corporate investments. Rather than keeping your business and personal future financial needs separate, it is usually better to consider both aspects in conjunction with each other in a holistic manner. It is likely that your objectives in each area can work together to achieve your broader financial retirement goals. There are a few key sources of retirement income that are of particular worth for small business owners, as follows.

At Rockmoor Wealth Management, we work with our clients in identifying financial services options which are based on each individual’s specific needs. When it comes to investment and portfolio management solutions, we have established referral arrangements with the investment firms below, whereby we introduce our clients to the benefits of having a full discretionary managed account.

KAI Asset Management Inc.: For more information about KAI Asset Management Inc., please contact us or visit their website at 1

BCV Asset Management Inc.: For more information about BCV Asset Management Inc., please contact us or visit their website at bcvassetmanagement.com2 

DeLuca Veale Investment Counsel Inc.: For more information about DeLuca Veale Investment Counsel Inc., please contact us or visit their website at delucaveale.com3

1KAI Asset Management Inc. is a Portfolio Manager and Exempt Market Dealer registered in the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario. The firm is also registered as an Investment Fund Manager (IFM) in the provinces of Manitoba and Ontario. This communication is directed only to persons resident in those jurisdictions.

2BCV Asset Management Inc. is registered as a Portfolio Manager in the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan; as an Investment Fund Manager in Manitoba, Newfoundland & Labrador, Ontario, and Quebec; and as an Exempt Market Dealer in Manitoba, Newfoundland & Labrador, and Ontario. This communication is directed only to persons resident in those jurisdictions.

 3DeLuca Veale Investment Counsel Inc. is registered as a Portfolio Manager and Exempt Market Dealer in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta and OntarioThis communication is directed only to persons resident in those jurisdictions.

Equity in Your Business

The equity that exists in your company can be used to help to fund your retirement in different ways. Firstly, selling your business is one option. If you go down this route, it’s worth consulting with a tax professional first to ensure that the sale benefits you from a tax perspective as much as is possible. For example, the sale could benefit from a large capital gains exemption if the business meets certain criteria.

Of course, you may prefer not to sell your business. You may choose to pass it on to your loved ones instead. You can still receive income in your retirement through dividend-paying preferred shares that you own if you take this option.

    Non-Registered Investments

    Many small business owners also see the benefits of investing in a personal investment portfolio to add to the income that they make from their company. Your choice of investments may differ depending on the type, age, success, etc. of your own business. For example, you may be happier to take a more risk-oriented approach with your corporate investment portfolio if you own a stable company with solid revenue generation and vice versa if you own a start-up company.

      Registered Plans

      Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) or Individual Pension Plans (IPPs) can be a valuable investment option for business owners. You can make the most of tax deductions on contributions to the plans and your earnings will grow on a tax-deferred basis whilst held within the plan.

      Another good option worth considering is a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA). You can use it as a means to save for retirement on a tax-free basis as the funds held within it are never subject to tax.

      Retirement planning is a key process for small business owners and a written document which details your intentions and goals is a great way to ensure that your plans stay on track.

      Personal Pension Plan

      If you are a business owner, incorporated professional, or executive concerned about the most effective way to save for retirement, you may want to consider a Personal Pension Plan. A Personal Pension Plan (PPP) is a defined benefit pension plan for the benefit of one or two individuals. There are significant advantages that Personal Pension Plans have over Registered Retirement Plans (RRSPs). 

      Mistakes That Business Owners Make

      Download this free guide to learn how to avoid these simple and potentially devastating mistakes business owners make every day.

      Take the Next Step

      Our team has acquired decades of experience specializing in providing quality financial advice in areas of financial planning, investments and insurance. Book a meeting with us to learn how we can help you with your finances.